CCRP Health Club features two swimming pools, swim lessons, lap swimming, water aerobics and lifeguard training!
Length: 14 meters - 46 ft - 15 yards
Water Temperature: 85 degrees
Lanes: 3
Open: Year-Round
Reservations: Required
Length: 23 meters - 75 ft - 25 yards
Water Temperature: 82 degrees
Lanes: 4
Open: Seasonally
Reservations: None required, first come first serve.
Boston Swim Lessons
*At this time, all instructors are fully booked and are not taking on new swim clients
The Club offers year-round swimming lessons for both children and adults. Our certified swim instructors teach all ages and ability levels. Whether you or your children are a beginner or are more advanced, our instructors can help you reach your swimming goals.
Children will benefit from swim lessons in multiple ways as they develop the lifelong skill of swimming and basic water safety techniques. Learning to swim builds confidence in their abilities and increases safety around all bodies of water. The skills they acquire will keep them safe for years to come and allow them to fully enjoy themselves at pool parties, beaching, and boating activities. They’ll get stronger and build endurance as they learn to master swimming in a fun environment. Also, Mom and Dad can rest easy knowing certified instructors with years of experience are teaching their little ones the proper way to swim. Let our teachers do the work so you don’t have to worry about it!
Adult beginners will first learn to overcome any fears they might have of the water. Then our instructors will teach you the basic skills you need to survive in the water and then progress you as you are ready. Adults with a little more experience will be taught new strokes or improve on ones they already know. If you’re already a competitive swimmer then our instructors will design smart and challenging workouts so you can improve your performance in the pool.
Meet Our Swim Instructors:
Karen Wallach WSI / AEA Certified Instructor
Years of Aquatic Experience: 30+ years of experience. AEA certified instructor for over 15 years
Age Range: All ages and levels, especially good with children
Specialties: Teaching swimming skills, Water Aerobics and water exercise
CPR/AED certified
Zeynep Yukselen
Aquatic Experience: “Zee” was a competitive swimmer and water polo player in Istanbul in high school and college. She has taught swim lessons and coached competitive swimming to many different ages
Age Range: All ages and levels
Specialties: Teaching swimming skills, helping non-swimmers feel comfortable in the water so they can learn to swim effectively.
CPR/AED certified
One-on-One Swim Lessons
*At this time, all instructors are fully booked and are not taking on new swim clients
Work one-on-one with our certified Water Safety Instructors to learn the basics or perfect your strokes!
Member Private Rates
1 Session - 30 min
($40 per 30 minutes)
5 Pack - 30 min
($35 per 30 minutes)
10 Pack - 30 min
($30 per 30 minutes)
Non-Member Private Rates
1 Session - 30 min
($50 per 30 minutes)
5 Pack - 30 min
($45 per 30 minutes)
10 Pack - 30 min
($40 per 30 minutes)

Mariam and Vlad
Me and my 7-year old son swim with Karen every Sunday morning. It has been a wonderful experience. My son learned to swim and has beautiful form. I am trying to catch up with him! Karen has been doing an amazing job keeping lessons a fun and healthy experience for us! Vlad says: “It is so much fun!”
Boston Lifeguard Training
The American Red Cross lifeguard training course will teach lifeguard candidates the skills and knowledge needed to prevent and respond to aquatic and pool-related emergencies. The course content and activities prepare candidates to quickly recognize and efficiently respond to emergencies in order to prevent drowning and injuries. CCRP offers this course in a Blended Learning format, combining classroom time with at-home online components. This convenient format allows participants to complete the American Red Cross lifeguard standard hours required for the certification. Because the online learning portion of the class must be completed before the classroom portion, enrollment will end 7 days before the start date of the class.
Become an American Red Cross Certified Lifeguard
Upon successful completion of the lifeguarding course, you will receive American Red Cross Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR & AED for the Professional Rescuer certifications, all valid for 2 years.
Class is limited to 15 participants and must have a minimum of 6 students to be held.
Participants must be 15 on or before the last scheduled session of the course.
Cost for Full Certification $420.
Cost for Re-Certification is $225.
Reimbursements, minus a $50 non-refundable registration fee, are only granted for documented medical conditions and withdrawal requests made at least two weeks prior to the class start date.
Lifeguard Prerequisite Skills:
Please be prepared to perform the following skills at the start of class on Day 1. Failure to complete prerequisite skills will result in failure of the course according to American Red Cross standards. No refunds will be granted.
Prerequisite 1
Lifeguarding Swim-Tread-Swim Sequence
■ Swim 150 yards using the front crawl, breaststroke or a combination of both.
- Swimming on the back or side is not permitted.
- Swim goggles are allowed.
■ Maintain position at the surface of the water for 2 minutes by treading water using only the legs.
■ Swim 50 yards using the front crawl, breaststroke or a combination of both.
Prerequisite 2
Timed Event
Complete a timed event within 1 minute, 40 seconds.
■ Starting in the water, swim 20 yards.
- The face may be in or out of the water.
- Swim goggles are not allowed.
■ Surface dive (feet-first or head-first) to a depth of 7 to 10 feet to retrieve a 10-pound object.
■ Return to the surface and swim 20 yards on the back to return to the starting point, holding the object at the surface with both hands and keeping the face at or near the surface.
■ Exit the water without using a ladder or steps.
Register Below to Become a Lifeguard Today!